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Divine Feminine Awakening: Cosmic Rose Codes

On this auspicious day, the Feast of Mary Magdalene, we celebrate the resurgence of the sacred feminine and the awakening of ancient wisdom encoded within the mystical rose. Mary Magdalene, often symbolized by the rose, represents the embodiment of divine feminine power and the keeper of sacred knowledge.

As we honor her legacy, we recognize that the time has come for the cosmic rose codes to reactivate within our very being. These ethereal patterns of light and energy, dormant for eons, are now stirring, ready to unfurl their petals and reveal the profound truths they hold.

The Divine Feminine Awakening is blossoming within the planet now, as a radiant thread, weaving its way through the collective consciousness. This profound awakening transcends gender, inviting all beings to reconnect with the sacred, nurturing, and intuitive aspects of existence. It's a call to balance, harmony, and wholeness that resonates deeply within our souls.

The Divine Feminine Awakening is not about becoming something new, but rather about remembering who we truly are as Divine Cosmic Beings of Love. It's a return to our essence, a blossoming of the cosmic rose codes that have always been within us. As we embrace this awakening, we contribute to the healing and balancing of ourselves, our relationships, and our world. We step into our power not to dominate, but to nurture, create, and inspire. This is the true essence of the Divine Feminine Awakening - a return to wholeness, a celebration of life, and an embodiment of love in its purest form.

At its heart, this awakening is about rediscovering and honoring the divine essence that resides within each of us. It's the unfurling of cosmic rose codes embedded in our very being, waiting to be activated and expressed. As these inner petals open, we begin to experience life through a new lens, one that reveals our true nature in all its glory.

The Divine Feminine Awakening invites us to embrace our innate purity and innocence, shedding layers of societal conditioning to return to our authentic selves. It's a process of unlearning and remembering, of peeling away the expectations and judgments that have clouded our vision of who we truly are. In this space of rediscovered innocence, we find a wellspring of creativity, joy, and wonder. As we awaken, we find our voice - clear, strong, and compassionate. The rose codes within us open channels of wisdom, allowing us to speak our truth not from a place of ego, but from a deep well of love and understanding. This newfound ability to communicate authentically fosters deeper connections with others and a more harmonious relationship with the world around us.

A cornerstone of the Divine Feminine Awakening is the profound recognition of our inherent worth. It's an understanding that transcends societal measures of value, acknowledging that we are precious simply because we exist. This realization liberates us from the endless pursuit of external validation, allowing us to stand confidently in our own light. The awakening process also unveils the true nature of beauty. We begin to see beyond surface appearances, recognizing the radiance that emanates from within. This inner beauty, a reflection of our soul's light, becomes a source of celebration and appreciation, both for ourselves and for others. As we reconnect with our Divine Feminine essence, we reclaim our personal power. This isn't about dominance or control, but rather about standing firmly in our truth, setting healthy boundaries, and becoming agents of positive change in our lives and communities. It's a power that nurtures, heals, and uplifts.

The Divine Feminine Awakening heightens our connection to intuition and inner wisdom. We learn to trust the subtle guidance that comes from within, allowing it to inform our decisions and shape our path. This deepened trust in our inner knowing leads to a more authentic and fulfilling life journey. Creativity flourishes as the Divine Feminine energy flows more freely through us. Whether through art, music, writing, or any form of self-expression, we find ourselves driven to create and share our unique gifts with the world. This creative impulse becomes a powerful force for self-discovery and healing.

As we awaken to our Divine Feminine Wisdom, we learn to cultivate a profound sense of compassion and empathy. We become more attuned to the feelings of others and the interconnectedness of all beings. This heightened awareness fosters a desire to contribute to the healing and upliftment of our global community. The Divine Feminine Awakening also brings with it a deeper appreciation and connection to wisdom of the Earth and the natural cycles of life - birth, growth, death, and rebirth. We learn to flow with these cycles rather than resist them, finding beauty and wisdom in each phase of existence.

To assist in the awakening of the Divine Feminine Wisdom upon on the planet, I have co-created a transformative 7 week journey: The Rose Portals to the Pleiades. This sacred pilgrimage of the soul will guide you through the awakening of the Cosmic Rose Codes of the Seven Sister Star Nymphs. As you traverse these ethereal pathways, you'll tap into the wellspring of ancient wisdom that resides within you, reactivating the dormant strands of your spiritual DNA and reawakening your Divine Feminine Wisdom.

Through this journey, you'll immerse yourself in the celestial waters of the Pleiades, allowing their cosmic currents to wash away the veils that have obscured your inner sight. The sacred Seven Sister Rose will be your companion, its petals unfolding to reveal the secrets of the universe and your place within it.

As you align with these cosmic energies, you'll feel the stirring of the divine feminine within, a powerful force of creation, intuition, and healing. The rose codes will begin to pulse through your being, awakening long-forgotten abilities and insights.

Join us in this magical expedition to reclaim your cosmic heritage and step into the fullness of your divine feminine power.

The Rose Portals to the Pleiades await your presence. Are you ready to blossom into your highest potential and embrace the cosmic rose codes that are your birthright? The journey begins now,

Step into the portal, and let the transformation begin.

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